Timber Build Articles

Timber in Structures - Case studies English Woodlands Timber

by Daniel Cope

Three independent companies in Sussex all recognise the importance of a good supply infrastructure and the need for a degree of co-operation between companies within the region in order to support the wider market and to be able to fulfil orders.

The extension to the office building at Cocking sawmill, north of Chichester, West Sussex has been specially constructed to showcase a wide variety of locally produced timbers and their potential for both interior and exterior uses.

It is based at the English Woodlands sawmill at Cocking nr Midhurst and is open for viewing by the public during office hours.(8am-4.30pm Mon-Fri) Tel: 01730 816941

LOCAL TIMBER WEBSITE: www.localtimber.co.uk

This new website has been developed as part of the SEEDA Timber Champion project. It is clearly structured to provide information on a wide range of local timbers and their architectural uses, structural grades and characteristics as a resource for both the public, architects and developers.

This article was posted on 28 November '08

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